Showan Engineering - Hydraulic Cylinder Repairs and Hydraulic Ram Repairs in Kent, Canterbury, UK

1981, Showan Hydraulics has been at the forefront of hydraulic cylinder
technology – manufacturing and repairing precision hydraulic cylinders
and hydraulic rams for contractors, demolition plant, agricultural,
marine, refuse collection and general industrial applications. Showan
has maintained its premier position through a continuous programme of
investment in expertise and technology, and an innovative approach to
problem solving. We have identified inherent weaknesses in old
hydraulic cylinders and created new sealing configurations that
increase reliability and time between failures, thus reducing
down-time. Our palindromic hydraulic cylinder for car transporters is a
perfect example of our expertise and lateral thinking. Showan
Hydraulics continues to focus on future innovations in hydraulic
technologies and applying our unique, practical expertise to create
optimum solutions for the world's leading organisations.
Hydraulic Cylinder Repairs and Hydraulic Ram Repairs
Hydraulic Cylinders
A substantial part of Showan Hydraulics’ business is the refurbishment and repair of hydraulic cylinders and rams. We have extensive experience from simple re-sealing to total cylinder re-builds where we replace only damaged parts such as the chromed rod, the tube, pistons and glands to produce an ‘as new’ cylinder. We will advise on repair options on a case-by-case basis.
We understand the economic pressure to keep down-time to an absolute minimum. Many of our customers, such as paper mills and ferry and port operators work a 24-hour schedule where machine repair and refurbishment is a matter of urgency. Repairing will save you money and Showan Hydraulics has the ability to respond with speed and flexibility, without sacrificing quality or long-term reliability.
At Showan, over 6,000 line items, from seals to major components such as chromed rods and honed tubes are always in stock and ready for instant use. This investment demonstrates our commitment to speed and efficiency, and assures a reliable and effective response to keep your business running.
Showan Hydraulics is about quality, reliability and reponsiveness:
QUALITY Constant attention to standards in materials, systems and service
RELIABILITY Modern CNC machinery and CAD/CAM systems mean no margin for deviation
RESPONSIVENESS Eliminating down-time and working to customer schedules